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Longer equipment life, reduced material-related costs

Budgets continue to shrink, but the needs from local residents remain the same. Every expense is scrutinized as communities, schools and local governments try to stretch their resources. Conventional lubricants may seem like the right choice for your budget, but your vehicles and equipment will disagree. 

We believe the lubricants you use can offset costs in your maintenance budget. Schaeffer’s lubricants provide better durability benefits than conventional oils. By reducing friction and heat, our products extend your equipment’s service life, which saves you time and money. Longer lasting equipment results in less downtime, which means you’ll have full use of your vehicles and equipment.

Need school buses to start in winter weather? No problem. Are engines overheating from too much idling? We can help. Need your snowplows ready to go when snow hits? Our products will help you be prepared.

Give us a try! See how we’ve helped counties across the country manage resources and reduce their materials costs. 

Meet OEM requirements

Our lubricants are designed to meet a wide range of OEM requirements. With Schaeffer’s, you get the protection you need without keeping too many fluids on hand. 

Less fuel consumption

Schaeffer’s products are routinely tested each year, and the results consistently show our oils produce real savings for your budget. Additionally, our products reduce friction and wear, which results in higher performance efficiency and lower operating costs.

Longer lubricant life

Where you apply our lubricants is where they stay, and that reduces the amount of lubricants you use. As temperatures heat up, our lubricants resist thermal breakdown and maintain performance over longer periods. Better thermal and oxidation stability, along with our oil analysis, will help you safely extend lubricant intervals. 

Approved BuyBoard partner

Purchase your Schaeffer products through the BuyBoard to streamline your purchasing while complying with your state’s procurement laws. You get the full benefits of our products and our certified lubricant specialists with less paperwork.

  • Engine oils
    SynShield Durability Advantage 15W-40

    700 SynShield® Durability Advantage 15W-40

    Synthetic plus, heavy-duty diesel oil that provides stronger durability, better soot control and stronger wear protection to equipment working long hours in severely harsh conditions. Exceeds API CK-4.

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    SynShield Ultra Performance 10W-30

    722 SynShield® Ultra Performance 10W-30

    Synthetic plus, heavy-duty diesel oil that provides stronger durability, better soot control and stronger wear protection to equipment running in stop-and-go, excessive idling and short haul situations. Exceeds API CK-4.

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    Supreme 7000™ Synthetic Plus 5W-30

    701 Supreme 7000™ Synthetic Plus 5W-30

    Premium multi-grade, para-synthetic oil formulated to reduce friction and wear, protect against sludge deposits, and provide increased efficiency and fuel economy. Recommended for gasoline automobiles and light duty trucks including those that are turbocharged and supercharged.

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    703 Supreme 7000™ Synthetic Plus 10W-30

    Premium multi-grade, para-synthetic oil formulated to reduce friction and wear, protect against sludge deposits, and provide increased efficiency and fuel economy. Recommended for gasoline automobiles and light duty trucks including those that are turbocharged and supercharged.

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    upreme 9000™ Full Synthetic 5W-30

    9003D Supreme 9000™ Full Synthetic 5W-30

    Premium multi-grade, full synthetic oil formulated to reduce friction and wear, protect against sludge deposits, and provide increased efficiency and fuel economy. Recommended for gasoline automobiles and light duty trucks including those that are turbocharged and supercharged.

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    Supreme 9000™ Full Synthetic 5W-20

    9004 Supreme 9000™ Full Synthetic 5W-20

    Premium multi-grade, full synthetic oil formulated to reduce friction and wear, protect against sludge deposits, and provide increased efficiency and fuel economy. Recommended for gasoline automobiles and light duty trucks including those that are turbocharged and supercharged.

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    Supreme 9000™ Full Synthetic 0W-20

    9005 Supreme 9000™ Full Synthetic 0W-20

    Premium multi-grade, full synthetic oil formulated to reduce friction and wear, protect against sludge deposits, and provide increased efficiency and fuel economy. Recommended for gasoline automobiles and light duty trucks including those that are turbocharged and supercharged.

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    114S Synthetic Plus Natural Gas Engine Oil SAE 30 & 40

    Superior, low ash, para-synthetic natural gas engine oil formulated for stationary 2-cycle and 4-cycle stoichiometric and lean burning natural gas engines.

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    Synthetic Plus CNG Engine Oil 15W-40

    4100CNG Engine Oil Synthetic Plus 15W-40

    Superior low ash, catalyst compatible, para-synthetic dedicated mobile natural gas engine oil that is formulated for use in stoichiometric and lean burning CNG (compressed natural gas), LNG (liquefied natural gas) or LPG (liquefied petroleum gas) vehicle.

    Eco 5000 15W-40

    500 Eco 5000 15W-40

    Re-refined base oils; fulfills federal directives and mandates for governmental agencies to use recycled/recovered materials.

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  • Fuel Additives
    CarbonTreat™ Premium Summer

    137CTPS CarbonTreat™ Premium Summer

    Cleans and prevents deposits from forming in high-pressure common rail fuel systems. Exceeds DW-10 detergency specifications, adds lubricity and contains less than 15PPM sulfur. Summer blend.

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    CarbonTreat™ Premium Winter

    137CTPW CarbonTreat™ Premium Winter

    Cleans and prevents deposits from forming in high-pressure common rail fuel systems. Exceeds DW-10 detergency specifications, adds lubricity and contains less than 15PPM sulfur. Winter blend.

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    DieselTreat 2000™ Ultra Low Sulfur

    137 DieselTreat 2000™ Ultra Low Sulfur

    Adds lubricity, and protects against bacteria. Meets DW-10 detergency specifications, and contains less than 15PPM sulfur. Year-round blend.

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    DieselTreat 2000™ Ultra Low Sulfur Winter

    137ULSW DieselTreat 2000™ Ultra Low Sulfur

    Adds lubricity, and protects against bacteria. Meets DW-10 detergency specifications, and contains less than 15PPM sulfur. Winter blend.

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    Neutra™ Fuel Stabilizer

    131 Neutra™ Fuel Stabilizer

    For gas, pre-2007 diesel and LPG fuels. Neutralizes fuel deposits, cleans fuel system components and lubricates upper cylinders. Contains more than 15PPM sulfur.

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    SoyShield® All Season

    139A SoyShield® All Season

    Made from soybean oil, meets DW-10 detergency specifications and upgrades diesel #2 to premium diesel. Contains less than 15PPM sulfur.

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    BioTreat™ Premium Diesel

    141 BioTreat™ Premium Diesel

    Upgrades B2-B50 blends to premium diesel, controls moisture and DW-10 detergency specifications.

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  • Multi-purpose Greases
    Synforce Green Waterproof Green

    219 SynForce® Green Waterproof Grease

    Extreme heavy-duty, multi-purpose, aluminum complex base grease designed to withstand the demands of extreme and intense working environments..

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    Ultra Red Supreme

    229 Ultra Red Supreme

    Extra tack, waterproof, synthetic blend, red color grease for use where a clean grease is needed. Aluminum complex.

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    Ultra Supreme

    238 Ultra Supreme

    Extra tack, waterproof, heavy-duty grease that meets Caterpillar’s 5% moly specification. Aluminum complex.

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    Moly EP Synthetic Plus Grease

    274 Moly EP Synthetic Plus Grease

    Low tack, water proof grease with synthetic blend base oils that enable the use of one grease for summer and fall. Aluminum complex.

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  • Gear Lubricants
    Supreme One For All 80W-140

    214S Supreme One For All 80W-140

    Para-synthetic, multi-grade lubricant for use under severe wide ambient temperature ranges.

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    Super Lube Supreme SAE 50

    239S Super Lube Supreme SAE 50

    Para-synthetic, Cat TO-4 fluid for final drives in front end loaders and haul trucks and dozers, and Eaton® (Fuller) RoadRanger and Meritor (Rockwell) transmissions not under extended warranty.

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    Supreme Gear Lube 75W-90

    293 Supreme Gear Lube 75W-90

    Para-synthetic, extreme pressure lubricant with soluble moly for use in automotive gear drives.

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    Supreme SMNT Gear Lube SAE 90

    293A Supreme SMNT Gear Lube SAE 90

    Para-synthetic, non-tacky, extreme pressure lubricant with soluble moly for use in automotive gear drives.

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    Supreme CMT Gear Lube SAE 140

    268 Supreme CMT Gear Lube SAE 140

    Para-synthetic, extreme pressure lubricant for use in automotive gear drives.

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    EcoShield™ Biodegradable EP Gear Oil

    567 EcoShield™ Biodegradable EP Gear Oil

    For industrial gear drives, slide and way systems, gear stamping and machine press applications subjected to heavy loading or shock loading conditions.

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  • Transmission & Hydraulic Fluids
    HTC Oil (with VarniShield®)

    112 HTC Oil (with VarniShield®)

    Anti-wear, rust and oxidation inhibited hydraulic lubricant with a high viscosity index. Helps reduce operating temperatures and varnish buildup in valves, and offers excellent thermal and oxidation stability.

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    All-Trans Supreme

    204SAT All-Trans Supreme®

    Full synthetic, multi-vehicle, automatic transmission fluid for use in GM Dexron® III(H); Ford MERCON® and MERCON® V; and Chrysler ATF +3 and +4.

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    Dexron/MERCON LV Automatic Transmission Fluid

    205A Dexron®/MERCON® LV Automatic Transmission Fluid

    Full synthetic, low viscosity, multi-vehicle fluid for GM Dexron® VI; Ford MERCON® LV; and JASO-1A (JWS 3309).

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    Simplex Supreme

    315 Simplex Supreme

    Para-synthetic base for higher heat resistance and better cold weather performance. Universal transmission hydraulic fluid. Exceeds most farm tractor specs.

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    EcoShield Biodegradable HTC Oil

    512 EcoShield Biodegradable HTC Oil

    Readily biodegradable, environmentally friendly, ecologically responsive, non-toxic fluid for high pressure industrial, marine, construction and mobile hydraulic systems, turbines and circulating oil systems that are operated in environmentally sensitive areas. Meets USDA definition EO 13101 for bio-based products.

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    EcoShield Biodegradable Simplex UTHF

    515 EcoShield Biodegradable Simplex UTHF

    Readily biodegradable, environmentally friendly universal tractor hydraulic fluid. Meets USDA definition EO 13101 for bio-based products.

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  • Specialty Products
    Penetro 90

    190 Penetro 90®

    Lubricates all types of moving parts that have become difficult to operate. Triples protection against corrosion.

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    266 Citrol®

    Biodegradable, heavy-duty, citrus-based degreaser with astonishing clean power that cuts through heavy greases, tire marks, adhesives, soot and more. Check VOC requirements.

    Citrol Low VOC

    266LV Citrol® Low VOC

    Biodegradable, heavy-duty, citrus-based degreaser with astonishing clean power that cuts through heavy greases, tire marks, adhesives, soot and more. Low VOC content.

    Turbo Red Cleaner Concentrate

    332 Turbo Red® Cleaner Concentrate

    Replaces the use of harsh caustics, cleans like a harsh caustic without the environmental and safety issues. Non-flammable; highly concentrated, mix with water.

    SchaefferSeal Tire Sealant

    743 SchaefferSeal® Tire Sealant

    Closes punctures and leaks with a permanent seal almost immediately. Prevents flats from punctures up to 3/16”, maintains tire pressure and reduces the risk of blowouts.

