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Schaeffer's Oil Videos

First in Making Things Last

Since 1839, Schaeffer has helped people get more miles, hours and life from their equipment. We don’t shy away from hard work, tough environments or demanding conditions. We know how to make things last. It’s more than just our business; it’s our way of life.

Power Now

Schaeffer’s Oil Power Now talks about why they rely on Schaeffer’s Oil to keep the generators they service running with no problems.

Advancements with Ted Danson Features Schaeffer's Specialized Lubricants

Schaeffer was featured on a recent episode of Advancements with Ted Danson to discuss how using high-quality lubricants is a reliable way to get more cost-effective working life from tractors and equipment.

Lady Elaine Racing Testimonial

Lady Elaine driver Elaine Sellers and her crew chief Ron Sellars talk about the results they've experienced with Schaeffer's Micron Moly Racing Oil.

Big Hook Crane and Rigging

Big Hook Crane and Rigging talks about how clean and easy it is to lubricate their booms with Schaeffer’s Moly Hi-Visc Boom Lube.

MTU Engine Teardown

See the results of an MTU 4000 series 12-cylinder diesel engine teardown with over 20,000 hours on the engine after running exclusively with Schaeffer's engine oil and fuel additive.

Choosing The Right Tractor Hydraulic Fluid

With Simplex Supreme, our universal tractor hydraulic fluid (THF), you get reliable performance under the heavy pressures of higher temperatures and loads, and more power demands during hydraulic power take-off.

Schaeffer's Specialized Lubricants and Captain Dave Marciano

Schaeffer is proud to partner with Captain Dave Marciano of the FV Hard Merchandise.

CarbonTreat to Reduce Regeneration

Go longer between regeneration intervals with Schaeffer's CarbonTreat Premium Fuel Additive.

Parke Logging Hydraulic Teardown

See the results of a 2007 Timbco teardown with over 9,000 hours on the hydraulic pumps after running exclusively on Schaeffer's Hydraulic Fluid.

Premier Transportation

Premier Transportation talks about the benefits of using Schaeffer's CK-4 Oil in their fleet of charter buses.

Mattice Enterprises

Schaeffer's customer Brad Mattice of Mattice Enterprises talks about why Schaeffer's Specialized Lubricants is the right investment for his equipment.

Schaeffer Oil Customer: Kevin Finney

Schaeffer customer Kevin Finney shares how he noticed better responsiveness and consistent equipment performance with our hydraulic fluids.

Schaeffer Mfg. Million Mile Diesel Engine Teardown

Our million mile diesel engine teardown features a 550 horsepower C-15 Caterpillar diesel engine with 1,055,000 miles and all original parts. Schaeffer's Supreme 7000 diesel oil was the only oil used.

Cumberland Ridge Forest Products

Schaeffer's Oil customer Cumberland Ridge Forest Products shares their experience of using our engine oil, tractor hydraulic fluid and grease on their equipment.

Schaeffer Million Mile Gasoline Engine Teardown

See what the experts at Ranken Technical College discover when they teardown our customer's million mile gasoline engine. What surprises does this high mileage engine hold? Check out the big reveal.

