OEM design changes continue to push trucks to work harder and haul more. Trucking companies are finding new ways to keep their trucks running efficiently while keeping a close eye on costs. With so much money invested in your trucks, you need lubricants that meet the demands your fleet faces. You need Schaeffer’s Specialized Lubricants.
At Schaeffer, we believe what you put in your trucks impacts the bottom-line. By reducing heat and friction, our lubricants protect internal parts from soot, wear and tear – inhibitors that hurt truck performance. As the miles add up, our lubricants help keep engines and other costly components like new.
Better durability means longer truck and engine life, and more trouble-free miles. See for your self what so many truckers already know. Everything runs more smoothly and goes further with Schaeffer’s.
Our lubricants tenaciously cling to metal surfaces leaving a fine but highly durable film that allows components to move smoothly. Reducing friction keeps operating temperatures in check, which prolongs lubricant life.
Schaeffer’s lubricants maintain viscosity in higher operating temperatures, allowing for more miles between shop visits. Better oxidation and thermal stability plus our oil analysis enables you to safely extend lubricant drains.
High mileage engines are prone to oil residue and soot buildup. That’s why we use enhanced detergency additives in our lubricants; components stay remarkably clean and free from carbon and soot residue.
Cold temperature is no match for Schaeffer’s lubricants. Our oils flow freely and quickly bond to surfaces the moment your truck starts, and our fuel additives provide maximum protection again fuel gelling, waxing and fuel line freeze-up.
Synthetic plus, heavy-duty diesel oil that delivers better fuel economy benefits with maintaining engine durability to keep your equipment running long after it’s been paid off. Exceeds API CK-4.
Para-synthetic, heavy-duty, 10W-30 diesel oil that delivers increased fuel economy benefits while maintaining wear protection, extended drain capability and high temperature performance. Exceeds FA-4.
Full synthetic, heavy-duty, 5W-40 diesel oil that delivers better fuel economy benefits with maintaining engine durability to keep your equipment running long after it's been paid off. Exceeds API CK-4.
Full synthetic, heavy-duty, 10W-30 diesel oil that delivers better fuel economy benefits with maintaining engine durability to keep your equipment running long after it's been paid off. Exceeds API CK-4.
Cleans and prevents deposits from forming in high-pressure common rail fuel systems. Exceeds DW-10 detergency specifications and contains less than 15PPM sulfur. Summer blend.
Cleans and prevents deposits from forming in high-pressure common rail fuel systems. Exceeds DW-10 detergency specifications and contains less than 15PPM sulfur. Winter blend
Adds lubricity, and protects against bacteria. Meets DW-10 detergency specifications, and contains less than 15PPM sulfur. Available in summer, winter and all season blends.
More InfoUpgrades diesel #2 to premium diesel; meets DW-10 detergency specifications, and contains less than 15PPM sulfur. Winter blend.
Made from soybean oil, meets DW-10 detergency specifications and upgrades diesel #2 to premium diesel. Contains less than 15PPM sulfur.
More InfoEmergency treatment that immediately dissolves ice and wax in gelled diesel fuel. Contains less than 15PPM sulfur.
More InfoStrong winter protection for over-the-road trucks dealing with high moisture content fuel. Less than 15PPM sulfur.
More InfoHeavy-duty lubricant that remains soft and pliable over long period of time; forms an almost indestructible adhesive film.
More InfoExtreme heavy-duty, multi-purpose, aluminum complex base grease designed to withstand the demands of extreme and intense working environments.
More InfoFull synthetic lube for use in all types of automotive and enclosed gear drives including worm gear drives.
More InfoPara-synthetic, multi-grade lubricant for use under severe wide ambient temperature ranges.
More InfoPara-synthetic, Cat TO-4 fluid for final drives in front end loaders and haul trucks and dozers, and Eaton® (Fuller) Roadranger and Meritor (Rockwell) transmissions not under extended warranty.
More InfoNon-tacky, para-synthetic, extreme pressure lubricant with soluble moly for use in automotive gear drives.
More InfoPara-synthetic lubricant with soluble moly and no tackifier; for use in equipment under severe wide ambient temperature ranges.
More InfoFull synthetic lubricant for use in all automotive gear drives, and Eaton® (Fuller) Roadranger and Meritor (Rockwell) under extended warranty.
More InfoFull synthetic lubricant that improves fuel economy in heavy, mid and light duty automotive applications. 741 For use in Eaton® (Fuller) Roadranger and Meritor (Rockwell) under extended warranty. 751M With soluble moly. For use in applications not under extended warranty.
More InfoFull synthetic, non-extreme pressure lubricant designed for extended drain and severe service in heavy-duty manual transmissions.
More InfoRecommended for use in automatic transmissions specifying GM Dexos III(H); Ford MERCON and MERCON V; and Chryser ATF +3 and +4.
More InfoRecommended for General Motors and Ford vehicles that specify the use of Dexron VI and MERCON LV fluids respectively; it’s also suitable for use in automatic transmissions that require a JASO-1A (JWS 3309) fluid.
More InfoLubricates all types of moving parts that have become difficult to operate. Triples protection against corrosion.
More InfoAstonishing clean power that cuts through heavy greases, tire marks, adhesives, soot and more.
Closes punctures and leaks with a permanent seal almost immediately. Prevents flats from punctures up to 3/16”.