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Glenn Hade<br>Spring Grove, PA

Request Information

Glenn Hade<br>Spring Grove, PA

What's Happening in Your Area

Area Info

Glenn's customer base is in the greater Baltimore and Washington area, Mifflin, Juniata, York, Lancaster and Lebanon counties in south-central Pennsylvania. It is a great privilege to promote a family oriented company, such as Schaeffer Manufacturing, who retains a personal relationship with their customers through representatives.

It brings a great sense of satisfaction to witness a customer receiving rewards in longevity of expensive equipment and better use of natural resources. Proper lubrication translates into less fuel used and less product needed.

Schaeffer has performed Dyno Studies with Glenn's customers. The Dyno Study results prove the improvement in fuel economy while using Schaeffer product. Contact Glenn to see the official results.

Free shipping of $500 orders, contact Glenn Hade at (717) 577-5284 Visit the NAPA store in Taneytown for your off-the-shelf products.

Area Retail Locations

NAPA - Mason Dixon Auto Parts
117 E. Baltimore St.
Taneytown, MD 21787


