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Tom Zuiderveld
Jerome, ID

Request Information

Tom Zuiderveld
Jerome, ID

Let's Improve Your Bottom Line


Tom Zuiderveld has been involved with the dairy and trucking industries throughout Idaho and California for 20 years and has been self-employed since 1991. Working with these industries has helped Tom to have better knowledge of what their day to day needs are and to give them the best Schaeffer sales rep/customer relationship possible. Tom has been an independent sales rep for Schaeffer Manufacturing Company since 2005.

Tom and Glenneda have three sons. His family has lived off and on in Jerome, Idaho, area since 1980 when his family started a dairy. He is interested in dirt bikes, four wheeling, hiking, snowboarding, camping and spending time with his family.

Industries Served

Food grade plants
Machine shops

Awards & Certifications

Schaeffer Ag Specialist
Schaeffer's 100% Club
Phase 1 Schaeffer School
Phase 2 Schaeffer School
TIAP (Total Immersion Application Program)