If you live in South Central Kentucky or Upper Mid Tennessee, it is very easy to obtain Schaeffer products. With three full-line, factory warehouse distributors and more than twenty retailers, Schaeffer products are never far away.
If you have a professional association that would like a lubrication or fuel additive seminar, Bruce & David can provide quality meetings that are both informative and interesting. Bruce has worked with Kentucky Young Farmers Association, local cattlemen's associations, the Kentucky Waste Water Operators Association, the Tennessee Public Works Association, and the Kentucky Forest Industries Association.
For free shipping on a $500 order, contact Bruce or David. For your off-the-shelf Schaeffer product, visit one of the retailers in the area.
Big Meadow Oil Co.
219 Industrial Drive
Glasgow, KY 42141
Locations in Glasgow & Scottsville
Dean Oil Company
104 11th Ave E.
Springfield, TN 37172
Sanford & Sons Equipment
4244 Louisville Road
Bowling Green, KY 42101