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Bruce & David Sullivan<br>Bowling Green, KY

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Bruce & David Sullivan<br>Bowling Green, KY

On Your Team, But Not on Your Payroll


Bruce Sullivan began his career with Schaeffer Manufacturing Company in 1995 after having served several years as a County Extension Agent for 4-H / Youth Development for the University of Kentucky College of Agriculture. Since coming to work for Schaeffer, he has been a consistent leader in sales and has personally trained more than seventy (70) sales reps for the company.

David Sullivan is Bruce's eldest son and has been around Schaeffer all of his life. He is an Eagle Scout and studied full-time at Western Kentucky University before joining Team Schaeffer on a full-time basis in January of 2017.

Bruce & David are both deeply engaged in community service through their local parish church.

Industries Served

Like Schaeffer Mfg. Co itself, Bruce and David have a strong emphasis on serving agriculture. They also serve several other industry segments, including: plastics manufacturing, trucking, commercial printing, construction, metal working, and sawmills.

Awards & Certifications

Bruce is a member of Schaeffer's prestigious Diamond Circle Club and is in the Top Twenty-Five of the sales force. His is a recipient Schaeffer's prestigious Marty J. Schwab lifetime achievement award. He is an STLE Certified Lubrication Specialist and has a B.S. in Agronomy from Auburn University.


Society of Tribologists and Lubrication Engineers
Crop Science Society of America
Soil Science Society of America

